07. May 2019

Orchestra for All on 5th June

On action day “Orchestra for All” on 5th June 2019, under the motto “Your Orchestra in Motion”, members of various Austrian professional orchestras will go to public places, such as railway and other public transport stations and squares, in the capitals of all Austrian federal states, to play, provide information and invite to interactive exchange. There, you will be able to conduct your own orchestra, make music together with orchestra musicians, try out some instruments, talk about the daily routine of musicians or anything regarding music, or just listen to a bit of music in the middle of everyday life. With a bit of luck, you can even win tickets for a concert of your favourite orchestra.

Timetable Wiener Symphoniker

Westbahnhof (U-Bahn Stars – Spot): 15:30
Spittelau (U-Bahn Stars – Spot): 16:30

Music Tram at Ringstrasse
18.00 boarding point at Karlsplatz/Resselpark
ca. 18.20: boarding point at Schwedenplatz


Christian Löw, trumpet
Manuel Gangl, clarinet
Wolfgang Pfistermüller, trombone
Franz Winkler, tuba

City music – orchestra action in public spaces 

After 2017, the Austrian professional orchestras will again pull together, with eleven participating orchestras giving an insight into their work in eight different towns.

Bridge builders between the audience and classical music

Usually, orchestra musicians and the audience meet in concert halls and opera houses but are separated from one another by the stage or the orchestra pit. In order to create additional, interactive opportunities for encounters with music and musicians that go beyond concerts and music theatres, almost all Austrian professional orchestras and major concert halls have established their own dedicated education departments over the last ten years. The respective music educators in charge see themselves as bridge builders between the audience and classical music, by providing a wide variety of formats for different age and target groups, including pre-concert workshops, guided tours, rehearsal attendances, introductions to works, through to offers to become involved by making music together. 

In the spirit of opening up their institutions and promoting the cultural involvement of the audience, music education departments and orchestra members now even take it one step further. In “Orchestra in Motion”, in the very sense of the word, music educators and orchestra musicians literally move about on this action day, namely out of the concert halls and into public spaces. They actively seek opportunities to come into contact with people who otherwise might perhaps be less likely to find their way to classical music. 

Action day in public spaces

Between late morning and early evening, numerous actions involving the respective state or municipal orchestras will take place in the capitals of the Austrian federal states. There, public spaces are chosen deliberately as places accessible to everybody. The main action areas will be railway stations, as these, being transport areas, are characterised by constant movement like no others. But also means of public transport, underground stations, various squares and coffee houses and even a special tram will see performances by different ensembles. Whether oboe trios, bassoon trios, Austrian dance music or string quartets, whether serious or light music, whether joining in, listening, conducting or trying out various instruments, the action day wants you to experience music in a number of ways, but mainly live and in an interactive manner.

A wide range of music education offers

What does an education department actually do? What does an orchestra offer other than classical concerts and music theatres? What are the offers for amateurs, for children, young people and families? Answering questions like these, entering into dialogues, arranging personal encounters and points of contact, all this goes hand in hand with the desire to also generate new audiences. The organisers want people to become curious, to arouse interest about classical music, concerts and music theatres, but also to provide information about their wide range of music education offers and the programmes of their institutions, and thus to be noticed and heard as music educators. 

In cooperation with Wiener Linien