School concert: Love is in the air For Pupils From 10 To 14 Years

Musikverein Wien · Great Hall
Chloé Dufresne

In the one-hour concerts for school classes, the Wiener Symphoniker invite you to an entertaining excursion into the world of classical music. Moderators or actors lead through the program; the students are prepared with teaching material and music workshops and can also play an active role in the concert. 


Chloé Dufresne
Sebastian Radon
BogaVox - Schulchöre des BRG Wien III
Wiener Symphoniker


„Love is in the air - die größten Liebesgeschichten und Love Songs aller Zeiten aus Klassik, Film- und Popmusik“


Musikverein Wien - Great Hall
Musikvereinsplatz 1, 1010 Wien
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