- Conductor
- Ernst Netsch
- Wiener Concertverein
"Matrosenmarsch" ("Sailor´s march")
Franz von Blon
Luxemburg Waltz
Franz Lehár
Overture from the romantic opera "Das Nachtlager in Granada" ("The Night Camp in Granada")
Konradin Kreutzer
Fantasia from the tragedia giapponese "Madame Butterfly"
Giacomo Puccini
Potpourri aus der Operette "Die Fledermaus"
Johann Strauss (Sohn)
"Toujours ou jamais" ("Always or Never"), waltz op. 156
Émil Waldteufel
Overture from the burlesque "Dichter und Bauer" ("Poet and Peasant")
Franz von Suppé
9 Minuten
"Wiener Fresken" ("Vienna Frescos"), waltz op. 249
Josef Strauss