A. Konrath, Duhan, Krotschak / R. Wagner, Händel, J. Haydn, G. Mahler, Beethoven

A. Konrath, Duhan, Krotschak / R. Wagner, Händel, J. Haydn, G. Mahler, Beethoven

Wiener Konzerthaus · Great Hall


Anton Konrath
Hans Duhan
Viola da Gamba
Richard Krotschak
Richard Krotschak
Wiener Sinfonie-Orchester


Richard Wagner Overture
Duration: 14 Minuten
Gustav Mahler "Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen" ("Songs of a Wayfarer"), song cycle

I. "When My Sweetheart is Married"
II. "I Went This Morning over the Field"
III. "I Have a Gleaming Knife"
IV. "The Two Blue Eyes of my Beloved"
Duration: 17 Minuten
— Intermission —
Ludwig van Beethoven Symphony No. 3 in E-flat major op. 55 "Heroic"

1st movement: Allegro con brio
2nd movement: Marcia funebre. Adagio assai
3rd movement: Scherzo. Allegro vivace
4th movement: Finale. Allegro molto – Poco Andante – Presto
Duration: 47 Minuten


Wiener Konzerthaus - Great Hall
Lothringerstraße 20, 1030 Wien
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