Boncompagni / Beethoven, Mozart, Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Wolf, Wagner, Mahler, Haydn, Rossini, Cilea, Verdi
Boncompagni / Beethoven, Mozart, Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Wolf, Wagner, Mahler, Haydn, Rossini, Cilea, Verdi
Wiener Konzerthaus · Great Hall
- Conductor
- Elio Boncompagni
- Soprano
- Grace Bumbry
- Soprano
- Ghena Dimitrova
- Soprano
- Gunilla Wallén
- Soprano
- Patricia Wise
- Soprano
- Mara Zampieri
- Mezzo-soprano
- Grace Bumbry
- Alto
- Margareta Hintermeier
- Tenor
- Giorgio Aristo
- Tenor
- Carlo Bergonzi
- Tenor
- Walter Berry
- Tenor
- James King
- Tenor
- Thomas Moser
- Tenor
- Heinz Zednik
- Baritone
- Giuseppe Taddei
- Bass
- Walter Berry
- Bass
- Matti Salminen
- Bass
- Johannes Schmidt
- Bass
- Heinz Zednik
- Wiener Singakademie
- Wiener Symphoniker
"Mir ist so wunderbar", quartet from the opera "Fidelio" op. 72
Ludwig van Beethoven
"Laut verkünde unsre Freude", kleine Freimaurerkantate for soloists, male choir and orchestra K. 623
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
14 Minuten
"Höre Israel", soprano aria No. 21 from the oratorio "Elias" ("Elijah")
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
"Morgendlich leuchtend in rosigem Schein", Walther's Prize song from act 3 of the opera "Meistersinger von Nürnberg" WWV 96
Richard Wagner
5 Minuten
— Intermission —
"Resta immobile", aria of Tell from act 3 of the opera "Guillaume Tell" ("William Tell")
Gioachino Rossini
Stabat Mater
Gioachino Rossini
1. Introduction: "Stabat mater dolorosa"
2. Aria: "Cujus animam gementem"
3. Duet: "Quis est homo"
4. Aria: "Pro peccatis suae gentis"
5. Recitative and Chorus: "Eja mater, fons amoris"
6. Quartet: "Sancta mater, istud agas"
7. Cavatina: "Fac ut portem Christi mortem"
8. Aria and Chorus: "Inflammatus et accensus"
9. Quartet and Chorus: "Quando corpus morietur"
10. Finale: "In sempiterna saecula"
60 Minuten
"Dal tuo stellato soglio", No. 15 from act 4 of the opera "Mosè in Egitto" ("Moses in Ägypten")
Gioachino Rossini
"Io son l'umile ancella", aria of Adriana from act 1 of the opera "Adriana Lecouvreur"
Francesco Cilea
4 Minuten
"Pace, mio Dio", aria of Leonora from act 4 of the opera "La Forza del Destino" ("The Force of Destiny")
Giuseppe Verdi
"Nabucco", Opera in 4 acts, "Va, pensiero, sull'ali dorate" (Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves from act 3)
Giuseppe Verdi
"Inno delle Nazioni" ("Hymn of the Nations"), cantata written for the International Exhibition in London 1862
Giuseppe Verdi
14 Minuten