School concert: The Carnival of the Animals For Pupils From 6-10 Years

Wiener Konzerthaus · Mozart Hall
Kinder mit Tiermasken im Konzerthaus

In the one-hour concerts for school classes, the Wiener Symphoniker invite you to an entertaining excursion into the world of classical music. Moderators or actors lead through the program; the students are prepared with teaching material and music workshops and can also play an active role in the concert. 

The school concerts "The Carnival of the Animals" are fully booked.


Katharina Wincor
Ania Druml
Sophie Druml
Lili Winderlich
Wiener Symphoniker
stage direction
Markus Kupferblum


"Le Carnaval des Animaux" ("The Carnival of the Animals"), Grande Fantaisie Zoologique Camille Saint-Saëns

I. "Introduction et marche royale du lion" ("Introduction and Royal March of the Lion")
II. "Poules et coqs" ("Hens and Roosters")
III. "Hémiones: animaux véloces" ("Halbesel: schnelle Tiere")
IV. "Tortues" ("Tortoises")
V. "L'Éléphant" ("The Elephant")
VI. "Kangourous" ("Kangaroos")
VII. "Aquarium"
VIII. "Personnages à longues oreilles" ("Personages with Long Ears")
IX. "Le coucou au fond des bois" ("The Cuckoo in the Depths of the Woods")
X. "Volière" ("Aviary")
XI. "Pianistes" ("Pianists")
XII. "Fossiles" ("Fossils")
XIII. "Le Cygne" ("The Swan")
XIV. "Final"
Duration: 22 Minuten


Wiener Konzerthaus - Mozart Hall
Lothringerstraße 20, 1030 Wien
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